This is a Panda guppy strain that has a BEAUTIFUL black and white patterned body. This Panda guppy is the Glass Belly Strain. The Glass Belly Strain means that you can see into the fish belly making it unique because you can see the babies form in the females belly. Although their tails don't get as big as the other guppies, they do have a nice blue shine. They are a beautiful fish that will swim all over your tank!!
Plants are not required but are highly recommended.
They will be a great addition to any guppy community tank that wants more colors, or can be kept in a strain only tank.
These are great fish for all levels of fish keeping, ranging from beginner to expert.
We ONLY ship within the continental U.S.
Please review our shipping policy and DOA policy before placing your order. All orders ship out on Monday's and/or Tuesday's. Check the homepage for the actual shipment date.
NOTE: The pictures are not the actual size of the fish. Buyers will receive fish from the same strain, but NOT the actual fish in the pictures. The pictures are only examples from the strain we carry.